Tractor made by Kaino Kriit, Estonian Agricultural MuseumSelf-propelled lawn mower built by Aleksander Lumiste from a horse-drawn mower, Estonian Agricultural MuseumA cultivator-plough built by Kalju Roosve from a women’s bicycle frame, Estonian Agricultural MuseumMarker with equal spaces, used to mark the locations for planting strawberry plants, by Lembit Nagland, Estonian Agricultural MuseumTapestry embroidered in cross stitches, Estonian Agricultural MuseumCommodities made from packaging straps: A macramé owl wall decoration and a tote bag given to Enno-Juhan Lumiste, Estonian Agricultural MuseumNaima Pajumetsa’s plan of the Mõdriku Home Economics School from the second half of the 1940s, with notes ranging from table-setting to various recipes, Estonian Agricultural MuseumStorage room for vegetables and preserves, Estonian Agricultural Museum